
If you change your mind and want to return your product/products you have to do it within 14 days from receiving your package. Please send an e-mail to to let us know you want to make a return.

Return the product/products in its original box with original packing material. Make sure that the product is really snug and safe in the middle of the box. Feel free to add som packing material to do that. If you have bought several products and want to return only one you have to add extra packing material to fill out the box.

Return to the following address:

Linnea Gustavsson
Torsgatan 37
113 62, Stockholm

The product must be returned new and intact, unused and unwashed. 

The shipping costs related to the return of the product will be charged to the customer and will not be reimbursed unless the original item was incorrect or defective. Any other incidental expenses and/or taxes shown at the time of ordering will not be reimbursed.

If you receive your product and finds it broken, please send an e-mail to and we will solve it.


If you want to make an exchange you have to do it within 14 days from receiving your package. Please send an e-mail to