So the story goes apart. "Le due pietre", the two stones, is the name of our home on the northern coast of Sicily. Some say it is because of the pile of rocks that was the only thing on the ground on which the house now stands. But it could also be the spikey mountains rising from the sea outside Palermo or the silhouette of Monte San Calogero.
What we do know is that Due Pietre is a brand with the mission to spread Sicilian colourfulness. The island is vibrant. The warming sun, the blue ocean, the friendly people, the passionate language, the delightful food, the colorful ceramics. Sicily makes us happy.
We want to bring a piece of that joy into your homes. Each object, moulded and decorated entirely by hand is a unique product. No Due Pietre piece is identical to another, and the presence of small irregularities is a sign of uniqueness which can be attributed to the craftsmanship involved in its creation.